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Self-Defense Colorado

Reckless Mens Rea and Self-Defense in Colorado

Colorado Criminal defense can seem simple in some regards, but it can get complicated very quickly. A common term that most Americans know is self-defense. It is an easy enough concept to understand, but the legalities and procedure are specific.

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DUI Defense Law

People v. Herold’s Impact on Felony DUI Defense

People v. Herold is a recent appellate court decision that details to requirements of establishing prior convictions.

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DUI Defense Law

Legal Options for Fighting a DUI Colorado

facing a DUI charge in Colorado can be a daunting experience. The legal complexities and potential consequences can be overwhelming.

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United States v. Rahimi

Implication of United States v. Rahimi on Colorado Gun Rights

Gun rights are a controversial topic, but they are a basic right for all American citizens. The opinion does not have any limiting principles. Questions such as can the government restrict people of their First Amendment rights in the similar fashion are still open.

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Colorado DUI Refusal

Recanting a Refusal of Colorado Express Consent

Understanding the law surrounding express consent and recantation is important. You might need a DUI defense attorney to assist you in the legal process. A DUI defense attorney can help guide you through the process.

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Immigration and DUI Conviction

Immigration consequences of a DUI Conviction

A DUI can impact a person's immigration status.

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Denver Car Accident Attorney

When to Get an Attorney for a Car Accident?

Getting an attorney involved after a car accident case can be beneficial. There is no hard rule as to when to hire, but it is best practice to get an attorney sooner.

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Restitution and Colorado Criminal Defense

Restitution in Colorado Criminal Defense

Restitution is an important part of any criminal case. It can often be in excess of any fine or cost.

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DUI Defense and SFST

SFSTS and Expert Testimony in DUI Defense

Law enforcement officers must now obtain certification as expert witnesses to provide opinions on HGN. Prosecutors seek to certify police officers as experts in HGN and standard field sobriety tests (“SFST”) in general.

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Self-Defense Colorado

Understanding Colorado Self-Defense and Initial Aggressor.

The term initial aggressor is not defined. This typically means a jury will be instructed to use the common understanding of the term. The lack of definition means an several arguments can be applied to what an initial aggressor means.

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